Tuesday 28 February 2012

Blessed be the boaters – Yacht Club vessels pass in review for blessing of the ...


Blessed be the boaters – Yacht Club vessels pass in review for blessing of the ...

You could say that, as a group, yacht owners are blessed. The MIYC's chaplain is the Rev. Richard Adair, United Church pastor, and he blessed the fleet both individually and as an entire. Some were gaily bedecked with nautical pennants, giving the affair a parade feel – kind of a "members only" version of last weekend's Goodland Boat Parade, minus the pole dancers and overweight guys wearing falsies. For the Presentation of the Fleet, captains were encouraged to have their guests muster on deck wearing color-coordinated outfits, and each skipper was given the chance to announce his guest list over the VHF. On a warm and breezy Saturday morning, the Marco Island Yacht Club held their official Presentation and Blessing of the Fleet, with several of the club's vessels passing in review before their officers, and receiving the blessing of the chaplain. " One special guest announced to the fleet was Naples Sailing them, perhaps sanctifying the mechanics, upholsterers, and riggers employed in maintenance, as well as those who protect our country and first responders. "Protect them from the dangers of wind and water, and peril from the deep," intoned Adair, invoking "He who filled the waters with fish. On the porch, a contingent of 10 Marco Island Strummers led by Wes English provided the music, playing "Anchors Aweigh" as each vessel went by into the yacht basin. Along with Adair, Vice Commodore Jim Marr did most of the talking, keying the microphone repeatedly in his role as master of ceremonies. This group of captains knows the shallow water across the river well, and also the tide table was helpfully printed in the boaters' information flyer. No assistance was needed to be rendered. After the last boat came in, a luncheon was on tap, along with the last call was issued: "This concludes the Presentation of the Fleet. " Those on the dock uncovered for the National Anthem as well as Pledge of Allegiance, and then covered their ears as the small but very loud ceremonial cannon was fired. Then, one by one, each vessel approached the club and passed in review, receiving a salute from the bridge and an individual blessing, with a gesture of benediction, from the chaplain. Blue Chip, it was announced, had three captains on board, two of them American Airlines pilots, who, said the voice on the radio, "have nothing to do with the airline's financial problems. The boats moved about out along the Marco River, with the Jolley Bridge behind them, and the yacht club's bridge, or slate of officers, standing out on the dock. Additional, unannounced guests were three tow boats from TowboatUS and SeaTow, who hovered out in the river among the fleet, lending their presence to the occasion and also ready to haul off any member vessel that had the misfortune to run aground with the whole club watching. A few of the ladies on the foredeck did break out into a little spontaneous but coordinated, seated dance routine.

Blessed be the boaters – Yacht Club vessels pass in review for blessing of the ...

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 28/02/2012


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